Brand: Hobbywing Quicrun
Item: WP-8BL150
Item name: Waterproof Brushless ESC
Continuous current: 150A
Maximum current interm: 950A
Continuous Current / Peak Current / Resistance: 150A/950A/0.00035 ohm
Motor Type Supported: Sensorless Brushless MotorCar Applicable: 1:8 Buggy / Monster
Battery: 9-18 Cells NiMH, 3-6S Lipo
BEC Output: 6V/3A (Switch Mode)
Dimensions: 59.5 (L) x 48 (W) x 42 (H)
Weight: 178g
External Program Port: Availabe
Working voltage of Fan: From BEC (6V)
Motor Limit:
For 4S Lipo or 12 cells NiMH: 4274-size or smaller motor with the KV<3000
For 6S Lipo or 18 cells NiMH: 4274-size or smaller motor with the KV<2400Das sind die Daten die relevant sind für den Motor, wichtig ist halt nur das der Motor die Stromstärke ab kann ansonsten raucht er dir weg
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